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Model Generation

Models can be generated for models or block states by default. Each provides a method of generating the necessary JSONs (ModelBuilder#toJson for models and IGeneratedBlockState#toJson for block states). After implementation, the associated providers must be added to the DataGenerator.

// On the MOD event bus
public void gatherData(GatherDataEvent event) {
DataGenerator gen = event.getGenerator();
ExistingFileHelper efh = event.getExistingFileHelper();

// Tell generator to run only when client assets are generating
output -> new MyItemModelProvider(output, MOD_ID, efh)
output -> new MyBlockStateProvider(output, MOD_ID, efh)

Model Files

A ModelFile acts as the base for all models referenced or generated by a provider. Each model file stores the location relative to the models subdirectory and can assert whether the file exists.

Existing Model Files

ExistingModelFile is a subclass of ModelFile which checks via ExistingFileHelper#exists whether the model already exists within the models subdirectory. All non-generated models are usually referenced through ExistingModelFiles.

Unchecked Model Files

UncheckedModelFile is a subclass of ModelFile which assumes the specified model exists in some location.


There should be no cases where an UncheckedModelFile is used to reference a model. If there is, then the associated resources are not properly being tracked by ExistingFileHelper.

Model Builders

A ModelBuilder represents a to-be-generated ModelFile. It contains all the data about a model: its parent, faces, textures, transformations, lighting, and loader.


While a complex model can be generated, it is recommended that those models be constructed using a modeling software beforehand. Then, the data provider can generate the children models with specific textures applied through the defined references in the parent complex model.

The parent (via ModelBuilder#parent) of the builder can be any ModelFile: generated or existing. Generated files are added to ModelProviders as soon as the builder is created. The builder itself can be passed in as a parent, or the ResourceLocation can supplied alternatively.


If the parent is not generated before the child model when passing in a ResourceLocation, then an exception will be thrown.

Each element (via ModelBuilder#element) within a model is defined as cube using two three-dimensional points (ElementBuilder#from and #to respectively) where each axis is limited to the values [-16,32] (between -16 and 32 inclusive). Each face (ElementBuilder#face) of the cube can specify when the face is culled (FaceBuilder#cullface), tint index (FaceBuilder#tintindex), texture reference from the textures keys (FaceBuilder#texture), UV coordinate on the texture (FaceBuilder#uvs), and rotation in 90 degree intervals (FaceBuilder#rotation).


It recommended for block models which have elements that exceed a bound of [0,16] on any axis to separate into multiple blocks, such as for a multiblock structure, to avoid lighting and culling issues.

Each cube can additionally be rotated (ElementBuilder#rotation) around a specified point (RotationBuilder#origin) for a given axis (RotationBuilder#axis) in 22.5 degree intervals (RotationBuilder#angle). The cube can scale all faces in relation to the entire model as well (RotationBuilder#rescale). The cube can also determine whether its shadows should be rendered (ElementBuilder#shade).

Each model defines a list of texture keys (ModelBuilder#texture) which points to either a location or a reference. Each key can then be referenced in any element by prefixing using a # (a texture key of example can be referenced in an element using #example). A location specifies where a texture is in assets/<namespace>/textures/<path>.png. A reference is used by any models parenting the current model as keys to define textures for later.

The model can additionally be transformed (ModelBuilder#transforms) for any defined perspective (in the left hand in first person, in the gui, on the ground, etc.). For any perspective (TransformsBuilder#transform), the rotation (TransformVecBuilder#rotation), translation (TransformVecBuilder#translation), and scale (TransformVecBuilder#scale) can be set.

Finally, the model can set whether to use ambient occlusion in a level (ModelBuilder#ao) and from what location to light and shade the model from ModelBuilder#guiLight.


A BlockModelBuilder represents a block model to-be-generated. In addition to the ModelBuilder, a transform to the entire model (BlockModelBuilder#rootTransform) can be generated. The root can be translated (RootTransformBuilder#transform), rotated (RootTransformBuilder#rotation, RootTransformBuilder#postRotation), and scaled (RootTransformBuilder#scale) either individually or all in one transformation (RootTransformBuilder#transform) around some origin (RootTransformBuilder#origin).


An ItemModelBuilder represents an item model to-be-generated. In addition to the ModelBuilder, overrides (OverrideBuilder#override) can be generated. Each override applied to a model can apply conditions which represent for a given property that must be above the specified value (OverrideBuilder#predicate). If the conditions are met, then the specified model (OverrideBuilder#model) will be rendered instead of this model.

Model Providers

The ModelProvider subclasses are responsible for generating the constructed ModelBuilders. The provider takes in the generator, mod id, subdirectory in the models folder to generate within, a ModelBuilder factory, and the existing file helper. Each provider subclass must implement #registerModels.

The provider contains basic methods which either create the ModelBuilder or provides convenience for getting texture or model references:

getBuilderCreates a new ModelBuilder within the provider's subdirectory for the given mod id.
withExistingParentCreates a new ModelBuilder for the given parent. Should be used when the parent is not generated by the builder.
mcLocCreates a ResourceLocation for the path in the minecraft namespace.
modLocCreates a ResourceLocation for the path in the given mod id's namespace.

Additionally, there are several helpers for easily generating common models using vanilla templates. Most are for block models with only a few being universal.


Although the models are within a specific subdirectory, that does not mean that the model cannot be referenced by a model in another subdirectory. Usually, it is indicative of that model being used for that type of object.


The BlockModelProvider is used for generating block models via BlockModelBuilder in the block folder. Block models should typically parent minecraft:block/block or one of its children models for use with item models.


Block models and its item model counterpart are typically not generated through a direct subclass of BlockModelProvider and ItemModelProvider but through BlockStateProvider.


The ItemModelProvider is used for generating block models via ItemModelBuilder in the item folder. Most item models parent item/generated and use layer0 to specify their texture, which can be done using #singleTexture.


item/generated can support five texture layers stacked on top of each other: layer0, layer1, layer2, layer3, and layer4.

// In some ItemModelProvider#registerModels

// Will generate 'assets/<modid>/models/item/example_item.json'
// Parent will be 'minecraft:item/generated'
// For the texture key 'layer0'
// It will be at 'assets/<modid>/textures/item/example_item.png'

Item models for blocks should typically parent an existing block model instead of generating a separate model for an item.

Block State Provider

A BlockStateProvider is responsible for generating block state JSONs in blockstates, block models in models/block, and item models in models/item for said blocks. The provider takes in the data generator, mod id, and existing file helper. Each BlockStateProvider subclass must implement #registerStatesAndModels.

The provider contains basic methods for generating block state JSONs and block models. Item models must be generated separately as a block state JSON may define multiple models to use in different contexts. There are a number of common methods, however, that that the modder should be aware of when dealing with more complex tasks:

modelsGets the BlockModelProvider used to generate the item block models.
itemModelsGets the ItemModelProvider used to generate the item block models.
modLocCreates a ResourceLocation for the path in the given mod id's namespace.
mcLocCreates a ResourceLocation for the path in the minecraft namespace.
blockTextureReferences a texture within textures/block which has the same name as the block.
simpleBlockItemCreates an item model for a block given the associated model file.
simpleBlockWithItemCreates a single block state for a block model and an item model using the block model as its parent.

A block state JSON is made up of variants or conditions. Each variant or condition references a ConfiguredModelList: a list of ConfiguredModels. Each configured model contains the model file (via ConfiguredModel$Builder#modelFile), the X and Y rotation in 90 degree intervals (via #rotationX and rotationY respectively), whether the texture can rotate when the model is rotated by the block state JSON (via #uvLock), and the weight of the model appearing compared to other models in the list (via #weight).

The builder (ConfiguredModel#builder) can also create an array of ConfiguredModels by creating the next model using #nextModel and repeating the settings until #build is called.


Variants can be generated using BlockStateProvider#getVariantBuilder. Each variant specifies a list of properties (PartialBlockstate) which when matches a BlockState in a level, will display a model chosen from the corresponding model list. An exception is thrown if there is a BlockState which is not covered by any variant defined. Only one variant can be true for any BlockState.

A PartialBlockstate is typically defined using one of three methods:

partialStateCreates a PartialBlockstate to be defined.
forAllStatesDefines a function where a given BlockState can be represented by an array of ConfiguredModels.
forAllStatesExceptDefines a function similar to #forAllStates; however, it also specifies which properties do not affect the models rendered.

For a PartialBlockstate, the properties defined can be specified (#with). The configured models can be set (#setModels), appended to the existing models (#addModels), or built (#modelForState and then ConfiguredModel$Builder#addModel once finished instead of #ConfiguredModel$Builder#build).

// In some BlockStateProvider#registerStatesAndModels

// EXAMPLE_BLOCK_1: Has Property BlockStateProperties#AXIS
this.getVariantBuilder(EXAMPLE_BLOCK_1) // Get variant builder
.partialState() // Construct partial state
.with(AXIS, Axis.Y) // When BlockState AXIS = Y
.modelForState() // Set models when AXIS = Y
.modelFile(yModelFile1) // Can show 'yModelFile1'
.nextModel() // Adds another model when AXIS = Y
.modelFile(yModelFile2) // Can show 'yModelFile2'
.weight(2) // Will show 'yModelFile2' 2/3 of the time
.addModel() // Finalizes models when AXIS = Y
.with(AXIS, Axis.Z) // When BlockState AXIS = Z
.modelForState() // Set models when AXIS = Z
.modelFile(hModelFile) // Can show 'hModelFile'
.addModel() // Finalizes models when AXIS = Z
.with(AXIS, Axis.X) // When BlockState AXIS = X
.modelForState() // Set models when AXIS = X
.modelFile(hModelFile) // Can show 'hModelFile'
.rotationY(90) // Rotates 'hModelFile' 90 degrees on the Y axis
.addModel(); // Finalizes models when AXIS = X

// EXAMPLE_BLOCK_2: Has Property BlockStateProperties#HORIZONTAL_FACING
this.getVariantBuilder(EXAMPLE_BLOCK_2) // Get variant builder
.forAllStates(state -> // For all possible states
ConfiguredModel.builder() // Creates configured model builder
.modelFile(modelFile) // Can show 'modelFile'
.rotationY((int) state.getValue(HORIZONTAL_FACING).toYRot()) // Rotates 'modelFile' on the Y axis depending on the property
.build() // Creates the array of configured models

// EXAMPLE_BLOCK_3: Has Properties BlockStateProperties#HORIZONTAL_FACING, BlockStateProperties#WATERLOGGED
this.getVariantBuilder(EXAMPLE_BLOCK_3) // Get variant builder
.forAllStatesExcept(state -> // For all HORIZONTAL_FACING states
ConfiguredModel.builder() // Creates configured model builder
.modelFile(modelFile) // Can show 'modelFile'
.rotationY((int) state.getValue(HORIZONTAL_FACING).toYRot()) // Rotates 'modelFile' on the Y axis depending on the property
.build(), // Creates the array of configured models


Multiparts can be generated using BlockStateProvider#getMultipartBuilder. Each part (MultiPartBlockStateBuilder#part) specifies a group of conditions of properties which when matches a BlockState in a level, will display a model from the model list. All condition groups that match the BlockState will display their chosen model overlaid on each other.

For any part (obtained via ConfiguredModel$Builder#addModel), a condition can be added (via #condition) when a property is one of the specified values. Conditions must all succeed or, when #useOr is set, at least one must succeed. Conditions can be grouped (via #nestedGroup) as long as the current grouping only contains other groups and no single conditions. Groups of conditions can be left using #endNestedGroup and a given part can be finished via #end.

// In some BlockStateProvider#registerStatesAndModels

// Redstone Wire
this.getMultipartBuilder(REDSTONE) // Get multipart builder
.part() // Create part
.modelFile(redstoneDot) // Can show 'redstoneDot'
.addModel() // 'redstoneDot' is displayed when...
.useOr() // At least one of these conditions are true
.nestedGroup() // true when all grouped conditions are true
.condition(WEST_REDSTONE, NONE) // true when WEST_REDSTONE is NONE
.condition(EAST_REDSTONE, NONE) // true when EAST_REDSTONE is NONE
.condition(SOUTH_REDSTONE, NONE) // true when SOUTH_REDSTONE is NONE
.condition(NORTH_REDSTONE, NONE) // true when NORTH_REDSTONE is NONE
.endNestedGroup() // End group
.nestedGroup() // true when all grouped conditions are true
.condition(EAST_REDSTONE, SIDE, UP) // true when EAST_REDSTONE is SIDE or UP
.condition(NORTH_REDSTONE, SIDE, UP) // true when NORTH_REDSTONE is SIDE or UP
.endNestedGroup() // End group
.nestedGroup() // true when all grouped conditions are true
.condition(EAST_REDSTONE, SIDE, UP) // true when EAST_REDSTONE is SIDE or UP
.condition(SOUTH_REDSTONE, SIDE, UP) // true when SOUTH_REDSTONE is SIDE or UP
.endNestedGroup() // End group
.nestedGroup() // true when all grouped conditions are true
.condition(WEST_REDSTONE, SIDE, UP) // true when WEST_REDSTONE is SIDE or UP
.condition(SOUTH_REDSTONE, SIDE, UP) // true when SOUTH_REDSTONE is SIDE or UP
.endNestedGroup() // End group
.nestedGroup() // true when all grouped conditions are true
.condition(WEST_REDSTONE, SIDE, UP) // true when WEST_REDSTONE is SIDE or UP
.condition(NORTH_REDSTONE, SIDE, UP) // true when NORTH_REDSTONE is SIDE or UP
.endNestedGroup() // End group
.end() // Finish part
.part() // Create part
.modelFile(redstoneSide0) // Can show 'redstoneSide0'
.addModel() // 'redstoneSide0' is displayed when...
.end() // Finish part
.part() // Create part
.modelFile(redstoneSideAlt0) // Can show 'redstoneSideAlt0'
.addModel() // 'redstoneSideAlt0' is displayed when...
.end() // Finish part
.part() // Create part
.modelFile(redstoneSideAlt1) // Can show 'redstoneSideAlt1'
.rotationY(270) // Rotates 'redstoneSideAlt1' 270 degrees on the Y axis
.addModel() // 'redstoneSideAlt1' is displayed when...
.end() // Finish part
.part() // Create part
.modelFile(redstoneSide1) // Can show 'redstoneSide1'
.rotationY(270) // Rotates 'redstoneSide1' 270 degrees on the Y axis
.addModel() // 'redstoneSide1' is displayed when...
.end() // Finish part
.part() // Create part
.modelFile(redstoneUp) // Can show 'redstoneUp'
.addModel() // 'redstoneUp' is displayed when...
.end() // Finish part
.part() // Create part
.modelFile(redstoneUp) // Can show 'redstoneUp'
.rotationY(90) // Rotates 'redstoneUp' 90 degrees on the Y axis
.addModel() // 'redstoneUp' is displayed when...
.end() // Finish part
.part() // Create part
.modelFile(redstoneUp) // Can show 'redstoneUp'
.rotationY(180) // Rotates 'redstoneUp' 180 degrees on the Y axis
.addModel() // 'redstoneUp' is displayed when...
.end() // Finish part
.part() // Create part
.modelFile(redstoneUp) // Can show 'redstoneUp'
.rotationY(270) // Rotates 'redstoneUp' 270 degrees on the Y axis
.addModel() // 'redstoneUp' is displayed when...
.end(); // Finish part

Model Loader Builders

Custom model loaders can also be generated for a given ModelBuilder. Custom model loaders subclass CustomLoaderBuilder and can be applied to a ModelBuilder via #customLoader. The factory method passed in creates a new loader builder to which configurations can be made. After all the changes have been finished, the custom loader can return back to the ModelBuilder via CustomLoaderBuilder#end.

Model BuilderFactory MethodDescription
DynamicFluidContainerModelBuilder#beginGenerates a bucket model for the specified fluid.
CompositeModelBuilder#beginGenerates a model composed of models.
ItemLayersModelBuilder#beginGenerates a Forge implementation of an item/generated model.
SeparateTransformsModelBuilder#beginGenerates a model which changes based on the specified transform.
ObjModelBuilder#beginGenerates an OBJ model.
// For some BlockModelBuilder builder
builder.customLoader(ObjModelBuilder::begin) // Custom loader 'forge:obj'
.modelLocation(modLoc("models/block/model.obj")) // Set the OBJ model location
.flipV(true) // Flips the V coordinate in the supplied .mtl texture
.end() // Finish custom loader configuration
.texture("particle", mcLoc("block/dirt")) // Set particle texture to dirt
.texture("texture0", mcLoc("block/dirt")); // Set 'texture0' texture to dirt

Custom Model Loader Builders

Custom loader builders can be created by extending CustomLoaderBuilder. The constructor can still have a protected visibility with the ResourceLocation hardcoded to the loader id registered via ModelEvent$RegisterGeometryLoaders#register. The builder can then be initialized via a static factory method or the constructor if made public.

public class ExampleLoaderBuilder<T extends ModelBuilder<T>> extends CustomLoaderBuilder<T> {
public static <T extends ModelBuilder<T>> ExampleLoaderBuilder<T> begin(T parent, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper) {
return new ExampleLoaderBuilder<>(parent, existingFileHelper);

protected ExampleLoaderBuilder(T parent, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper) {
super(new ResourceLocation(MOD_ID, "example_loader"), parent, existingFileHelper);

Afterwards, any configurations specified by the loader should be added as chainable methods.

// In ExampleLoaderBuilder
public ExampleLoaderBuilder<T> exampleInt(int example) {
// Set int
return this;

public ExampleLoaderBuilder<T> exampleString(String example) {
// Set string
return this;

If any additional configuration is specified, #toJson should be overridden to write the additional properties.

// In ExampleLoaderBuilder
public JsonObject toJson(JsonObject json) {
json = super.toJson(json); // Handle base loader properties
// Encode custom loader properties
return json;

Custom Model Providers

Custom model providers require a ModelBuilder subclass, which defines the base of the model to generate, and a ModelProvider subclass, which generates the models.

The ModelBuilder subclass contains any special properties to which can be applied specifically to those types of models (item models can have overrides). If any additional properties are added, #toJson needs to be overridden to write the additional information.

public class ExampleModelBuilder extends ModelBuilder<ExampleModelBuilder> {
// ...

The ModelProvider subclass requires no special logic. The constructor should hardcode the subdirectory within the models folder and the ModelBuilder to represent the to-be-generated models.

public class ExampleModelProvider extends ModelProvider<ExampleModelBuilder> {

public ExampleModelProvider(PackOutput output, String modid, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper) {
// Models will be generated to 'assets/<modid>/models/example' if no 'modid' is specified in '#getBuilder'
super(output, modid, "example", ExampleModelBuilder::new, existingFileHelper);

Custom Model Consumers

Custom model consumers like BlockStateProvider can be created by manually generating the models themselves. The ModelProvider subclass used to generate the models should be specified and made available.

public class ExampleModelConsumerProvider implements IDataProvider {

public ExampleModelConsumerProvider(PackOutput output, String modid, ExistingFileHelper existingFileHelper) {
this.example = new ExampleModelProvider(output, modid, existingFileHelper);

Once the data provider is running, the models within the ModelProvider subclass can be generated using ModelProvider#generateAll.

// In ExampleModelConsumerProvider
public CompletableFuture<?> run(CachedOutput cache) {
// Populate the model provider
CompletableFuture<?> exampleFutures = this.example.generateAll(cache); // Generate the models

// Run logic and create CompletableFuture(s) for writing files
// ...

// Assume we have a new CompletableFuture providerFuture
return CompletableFuture.allOf(exampleFutures, providerFuture);